Bronskill Group Fund awards grants for 2021

Last week the donors of the Bronskill Group Fund, following health protocols, personally delivered grants to each of the following:

washer and dryer

Alternatives for Women – towards the installation of a laundry facility at one of their locations.

SSJI Cheryl Anderson

South Shore Joint Initiative – towards a symposium on biodiversity, to be held next Spring.

« (photo) Cheryl Anderson discussing the SSJI biodiversity symposium.

The Recreation and Outreach Centre and Youth Centre – towards computer upgrades for youth participation activities.

« (photo) ROC youth delivering healthcare kits.

We congratulate these grant recipients as we gratefully acknowledge their exceptional work in improving our community.  We also thank the Bronskill Group Fund for their generosity which enables these projects to proceed.  Our County is well served by these organizations and those who lead and work for them.  Thank you.

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