Municipal Community Grant Recipients 2023

12 Jun 2023 05:49 PM By communications
municipal community grant recipients 2023

The County Foundation is honoured to work in partnership with the Prince Edward County Municipality to award funding and in-kind support through the Municipal Community Grants Program to 39 incredible organizations enhancing life here in the County.

Left Photo: The 2023 Municipal Community Grant recipients gathered at the Crystal Palace along with representatives from the Municipality and The County Foundation on Friday June 9th 2023.

Municipal Community Grants Program

Grants are available to not-for-profit and community-based organizations for projects which enhance the County’s quality of place and the local economy. The Municipal Community Grants Program is made possible through funding from the County of Prince Edward in partnership with The County Foundation (TCF) to augment funding and administer the program.

The following municipal grant programs were administered by The County Foundation:

  • Grants over $5,000
  • Grants up to $5,000 in cash and in-kind, max $2,500 in cash.
  • Grants for $1,000 or less – in-kind only

2023 Recipients

Grant Recipients - Over $5,000 Cash and In-Kind
  • Recreation Outreach Centre – PEC Youth Centre programs on inclusion, advisory, academics, and more: $60,000 cash
  • The Regent Theatre – Community partnership program to ensure long-term sustainability: $15,628 cash
  • PEC Arts Council – New art for well-being programming: $3,000 in-kind, $15,628 cash
  • County Food Hub – Six-week youth, no-cost cooking class: $9,530 cash
  • Reaching for Rainbows – Program for tween girls: $10,000 cash
  • Food to Share – Preparing healthy meals for PEC residents who are food insecure: $11,187 cash
  • PEC Bird Observatory – Increasing accessibility to observatory and trails: $11,075 cash
  • South Shore Joint Initiative – Commercial fishery project, collecting stories and photos regarding PEC’s commercial fishing history: $3,200 cash
  • PEC Radio Corporation – 99.3 County FM – New program reporting on local agriculture: $4,500 cash
  • County Stage Company – Support season of theatre, music, comedy, dance: $5,000 cash
  • Station Road Arts Collective – Roaming theatre wagon visiting various county venues: $5,000 cash
  • Big Lake Arts – Music festival featuring 11 performances in eight locations: $2,000 cash
  • County Kids Read – Inclusivity through literacy program: $6,000 cash
  • PEC Chamber Music Festival – All ages open air brass music concert: $4,000 cash
  • The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-PE – Dementia support through in-person and online support groups: $5,568 cash
  • Volunteer Information HPE – Volunteer program to assist with recruitment, retention and recognition: $5,500 cash
  • Quintissimo – Free, after school music programming at PECI for youth aged 6-9: $5,400 cash
  • MADD Canada (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) – High school programming and education reaching up to 1,000 local youth: $5,000 cash
  • PEC Women’s Institute – Venue rental and support of 40th annual arts and craft sale: $5,000 in-kind, $2,000 cash
  • Alchemy Artists Residency – Ten table settings for 40 seasonal agricultural workers: $500 in-kind, $3,500 cash
Grant Recipients - Under $5,000 Cash and In-Kind
  • Alternatives for Women – Staff wellness program: $5,000 cash
  • Pinecrest Housing – Security equipment, signage, video to increase fundraising: $2,000 cash
  • PEC Minor Baseball Association – New safety equipment: $2,000 cash
  • PEC Marathon – Venue rental: $5,000 in-kind
  • PEC Pickleball Association – Venue rental and support of 200 player tournament to fundraise for dedicated pickleball courts: $1,593 in -kind and $1,000 cash
  • Hospice Prince Edward – Facility rental for training and education: $3,694 in-kind
  • Department of Illumination – Venue rental and support of Firelight Lantern Festival: $2,000 in-kind and $2,000 cash
  • Bethany Christian Reformed Church – Soul Table / Let’s Talk, a series of guest speakers on matters of community interest: $1,000 cash
  • CML Snider School Council – Support construction of outdoor volleyball court for school and community use: $500 cash
  • Wellington Community Association – Venue rental for sustainable community workshops: $2,500 in-kind
  • PEC Memorial Hospital Foundation – Venue rental for fundraising event $2,500 in-kind
  • PEC Syria – Volunteer recruitment and training: $791 in-kind and $1,500 cash
  • County Wellness Collective – Venue rental for annual community wellness event: $1,367 in-kind
  • Picton Community Gardens – Supports local food security and garden: $500 cash
  • “Perfectly Preserved” Group within the PEC Memorial Hospital Auxiliary – Venue rental and support for annual fundraiser: $1,000 in-kind, $1,000 cash
  • Baxter Arts Centre – Venue rental for summer camp program: $4,500 in-kind
  • Gathering of Friends – Re-enactment of Loyalist settlers at Ameliasburgh Museum: $150 cash
Grant Recipients - Under $1,000 In-Kind
  • “Miss Supertest” – Hanging of commemorative banner on Main Street $254.25
  • Music at Port Milford – Town hall rental for summer camp $183.65

2023 Recipients

Municipal Community Grant funding is based on approved funding by County Council during the annual budget deliberations. The County Foundation administrates the program on behalf of the municipality and this year accepted applications until April 14th 2023. 

The Municipal Community Grants program is highly competitive and often there are more applications for funding than funds available. The program strives to disperse funding across a variety of sectors (from arts to health to recreation) as well as across Prince Edward County. The adjudication committee assembled by The County Foundation is meant to reflect the values of the program with diverse backgrounds and areas of interest who live across the County.

“The Municipal Community Grant Program is an important program for our community, supporting services and programs that enrich County lives in broad areas such as health, the arts, youth and recreation ... Facing several difficult decisions, the adjudication committee that reviews the applications focused on community impact, financial need, inclusivity and geographic equity. We look forward to seeing the impact of these projects.” Dominique Jones, Executive Director of The County Foundation

2023 Adjudication Committee
Linda Conley, TCF Board, Hillier 
Howard Whittaker, TCF Board, South Marysburgh 
Helen Findlay, Previous TCF Board member, TCF Grants Pool, Athol 
Gwen Benjamin, TCF Grants Pool, Sophiasburgh 
Dr Sarah LeBlanc, TCF Grants Pool, North Marysburgh 
Reg Zima, TCF Grants Pool, Picton 
Toby Toth, TCF Grants Pool, Ameliasburgh 
Judith Burfoot, TCF Grants Pool, North Marysburgh 

For additional information on criteria and eligibility, visit our page about the Municipal Community Grants.

Upcoming Grants

You can learn about our upcoming grants through our newsletter, The Pulse, which you can sign up for here. Additionally, you can find us on Facebook and Instagram where we provide ongoing information about what grants are currently open for applications and upcoming deadlines.