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​Municipal Community Grants

The Municipal Community Grants Program support Prince Edward County in the areas of:
Culture; Environment; Heritage; Recreation, Health, and Human Services.
The Municipal Community Grants are financial or in-kind assistance that support Community Organizations providing programs, services or activities that enhance the quality of life for Prince Edward County residents. The Municipal Community Grants Program is made possible through funding from the County of Prince Edward in partnership with The County Foundation (TCF) who administers the program.
Seeking In-Kind Support
county logo
TCF logo

The Municipal Community Grants program went through a review process in 2024 leading to many of the updates for 2025. Learn more.

Purpose of the Grants

To improve the well-being and quality of life of the community and its residents, through financial assistance to not-for-profit and community based organizations which provide programs and services in culture, heritage, recreation, environment, and health & human services. The municipal community grant intends to support the work of community organizations across Prince Edward County that benefit a wide cross section of residents.

2025 Funding Available

Total Funding Available for 2025 ($144,716

Maximum Grant Size: $15,000 
Typical grant size tends to range between $3k-$5k.  Grants supporting impactful operations may receive up to $15k. 
To honour the Municipality's long-standing commitment to supporting food security, no less than $20,000 or 10% (whichever is greater) of available cash grants will be allocated to food security organizations, initiatives, or activities

Program Details

Program Overview
Multi-Year Grants
Program Overview
The Community Grants Program provides funding for organizations, projects, events, activities, or programs that support, sustain, promote, inform, educate, celebrate, preserve, and/or provide access to:
  • Culture: beliefs, customs and traditions of certain communities, societies or cultural groups relating to language, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual or gender identity, disability, religion, class, and diversity;
  • Environment: beautification, conservation, documentation, education, interpretation, preservation, restoration, and research of the environment/natural heritage (air, water, flora, fauna, and natural landscape);
  • Heritage: identification, documentation, interpretation, or preservation of built heritage (structure, building or group of buildings, landscape), cultural heritage (archaeology, archives, genealogy, monuments, museums, and galleries/collections), natural heritage, historic people and events, and traditions (customs and beliefs);
  • Social Services, Health, and Recreation: activities contributing to physical, mental and social wellbeing with a focus on prevention; access to housing, accessibility for people with disabilities, food and clothing, freedom from violence.
Mandated Arts Organizations are not eligible to apply for cash funding through the Municipal Community Grants program. They can instead apply through the PEC Arts Fund which is currently supported by an allocation from the County’s share of the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) revenue. They are also eligible to apply for In-Kind Funding (see details below).

To apply for a Municipal Community Grant, applicants must be a "Community Organizations" as defined below: 

"Community Organizations" are groups of people working collectively with volunteer governance, without profit motives, for the benefit of the Prince Edward County community. They provide programs, services, and events to be accessed by the entire Prince Edward County community, or by specific segments of the population who may be underserved or at risk for negative outcomes. Community Organizations may have formal or informal structures, and can include incorporated non-profits, registered charities, ad hoc groups, and unincorporated organizations.

Applicants must also: 

  • Be located and conduct most activities within the geographic boundaries of the Municipality of Prince Edward County or be a local chapter of a larger organization that provides consistent services within Prince Edward County.
  • Have demonstrated sound fiscal management and are in good standing with the Municipality.
  • Demonstrate that they provide those services and programs in an effective, accessible, open, and inclusive manner; and,
  • Must have financial records in the name of the applicant (such as a bank account).

What can a Municipal Community Grant be used for? 

Community Grant Program funding may be used for general operating expenses, special projects, capacity building projects (such as strategic planning, organizational development), events or new programs (seed funding, pilot projects etc.). There is no restriction on the percentage of operational costs that can be included in the grant request.

*Only 1 request for cash funding per Community Organization will be considered per year.

The following entities are not eligible to apply for a Municipal Community Grant: 
  • Individuals or households;
  • For-profit businesses;
  • Organizations with political affiliations or whose primary purpose is political activity or lobbying;
  • Non-profit organizations with a mandate to serve the business sector, such as a Chamber of Commerce or a business sector association; 
  • Hospitals or other organizations whose primary purpose is to provide medical treatment/clinical services;
  • School boards, primary and secondary schools, post-secondary institutions; 
  • Government organizations, including agencies, boards, commissions, service corporations, and committees established by the Municipality, the Province, or the Federal Government;
  • Provincial, national, and/or regional organizations, unless a local chapter exists to serve residents of Prince Edward County; and/or, 
  • Organizations receiving 80% or more of their funding from upper levels of government.
  • Mandated Arts Organizations: A Community Organization that has a stated organizational mandate to provide services,
    programs and amenities in the realm of the arts (various fine and applied art forms including but not limited to visual, performing and performance, literary, media and decorative arts.)* 
*Mandated Arts Organizations are instead directed to apply for funding through the PEC Arts Fund

Municipal Community Grant funding may not be used for:

  • Major capital purchases such as vehicle purchases, land or building purchases or renovations, except for small capital purchases or projects that support compliance with Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act or accessibility provisions within the Ontario Building Code;
  • Prize money, awards, travel expenses, hospitality (food, beverage, alcohol);
  • Reduction of accumulated or annual deficits, debt reduction or financing;
  • Programs, services, activities, or amenities that are already supported by the Municipality through another funding program, service contract or an Exceptional Funding Partnership;
  • Fund raising campaigns, events, or activities, except for In-Kind Grants which may be used to support fund raising initiatives;
  • Programs with mandates legislated or regulated by the Provincial or Federal governments;
  • Programs, services, activities, or amenities that promote a particular faith, or require participants to adhere to a particular faith;
  • Activities, programs services or amenities that will be delivered outside of the geographic boundaries of Prince Edward County; 
  • Activities that serve to raise funds for other organizations, individuals/households, businesses, or causes; and/or,
  • Activities that would qualify for fee reductions or waivers as described in the current municipal Fees and Charges By-Law.
  • Application deadline is Monday, March 24th, 2025 @ 4pm
  • Review and assessment by TCF: April 2024
  • Notification and funds distributed by end of June 2025
  • Funds spent and grant report submitted to TCF by end of June 2026
Multi-Year Grants

For the first time in 2025, the Municipal Community Grants program will be accepting applications for multi-year grants (for up to $15k per year). Organizations and community groups can apply for multi-year support for the term of Council. Applicants for 2025 can apply for a two-year multi-year grant as the current Council's term ends in 2026. 

Important note: Please be aware that funding of multi-year grants is contingent on the total funding envelope approved for the Community Grants budget during the annual budget deliberations by Council. Therefore, if the total funding for the Community Grants budget was reduced, then all multi-year grant commitments could be reduced as a result if there was not enough funding approved to cover the multi-year grants. 

How to Apply

Applications for the 2025 Municipal Community Grants will be accepted from February 10th to March 24th at 4pm.

PDF printed applications can be emailed to, mailed or dropped off at The County Foundation at 35 Bridge St. Suite 107, PO BOX 24, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0.

Applying for a grant is a competitive process and we often receive more grant applications than there is funding available. Past funding commitments should not be interpreted as a guarantee that future requests will be approved. 

Required Documents
Applicant Profile
Operating or Intiative Budget
Annual Financials
Supplementary Docs
Required Documents

Required Documents

To apply for a Municipal Community Grant, you will need to provide additional required documents along with your application. The above tabs detail what you will need to submit so you can prepare them in advance if you wish to.

Applicant Profile

Applicant Profile

Attach a background of your organization. Include whether your organization is a not-for-profit such as a registered charity or a community organization, what program or services you provide, details of leadership team and Board of Directors if applicable. You can also include information on any partnerships relevant to your application. 

Vulnerable Sector Check: Please include your organization's current policy regarding maintaining up-to-date vulnerable sector checks for staff and volunteers as part of the Applicant Profile if relevant to your project. 

Operating or Intiative Budget

Operating or Initiative Budget

Click to download: Budget Template - Municipal Community Grants

As part of the application, you will need to submit an Operating or Initiative Budget. In either case, please detail where the grant funding will be directed. 

Operating Budget - If you are seeking operational support for the work of your organization or community group then you would submit an operating budget. This would detail your organization's revenues and expenses for the current year. 

Initiative Budget - If you are requesting grant funding specific to a project, program, or purpose then please include a budget detailing revenues and expenses related to this initiative. 

Annual Financials

Annual Financials

Please submit your most recent financial statements if you are requesting more than $5,000 in your application. It is preferable that the financials have been prepared by an accountant or other qualified third party if available. Financial statements will show the overall financial status of your organization, including income and expenses. 

The purpose of the financials is to provide information on the organization or community group's current financial status, as opposed to a budget which forecasts a plan for managing money. If you are applying for a grant less than $5k, then you are not required to submit financials as part of the application. 

Supplementary Docs

Supplementary Documents

In addition to the other required documents, you can submit up to 2 additional supplementary documents along with your applications. This can include images from your programs, an Annual Impact Report, testimonials or stories, or anything else you feel would be relevant to your application that you would like to highlight. 

The County Foundation strives to make our grant application process as accessible as possible. If you have any accessibility needs or require additional assistance then please feel free to reach out to or call us at 613-519-4470.

Criteria & Evaluation

Ideally we would love to approve everyone’s application for funding but this is a highly competitive grants program and there are often more applications for funding than funds available. This is why we need an assessment criteria to apply to these applications. Below is the criteria areas that your application will be reviewed on.

Community Benefit
Organizational Capacity
Merit to Other Applications
Community Benefit

Community Benefit

How does your project benefit Prince Edward County? Our community is filled with incredible ideas and residents passionate about serving their community and without a doubt most applications would benefit the County in some capacity - which is what makes making decisions on grant funding so difficult. Therefore, we use the following criteria to help evaluate community benefit. 

Addressing Community Priorities

  • Alignment to Municipal Strategic Plan or other applicable plans (such as the Community Safety and Well-being Plan or the 10-Year Community Plan).
  • Demonstrated need or benefit to the community using relevant stats/data (such as Vital Signs) or testimonials. 
  • Relevance to Prince Edward County - How has the PEC community been considered when shaping the programs and services being offered? Who does your organization serve? Does your work fill a gap in the community? 

Community Engagement & Inclusivity 

  • Impact for Prince Edward County residents. How many people in the County can this benefit? Is there benefit to an underrepresented group and/or area? Who does this work serve in our community?
  • Affordability & Accessibility. What efforts are made to ensure services and programs take place in an effective, accessible, open, and inclusive manner?
  • Collaboration & Partnerships. 

Other considerations include activities that are distinctive and unique from other work happening in the County. The purpose is to avoid duplication of efforts, and to ensure funding supports a wide array of sectors and activities that will benefit Prince Edward County.
Organizational Capacity

Organizational Capacity to Deliver

As part of the evaluation process, adjudicators will assess your organization’s capacity to successfully deliver the programs, services, or events you propose for the community. Does your organization have a history of successfully implementing similar initiatives? Have you demonstrated a strong track record of program or service delivery?

Adjudicators will also evaluate the feasibility of your proposed activities and initiatives. Do you have the necessary resources to execute your plans effectively? Is there a clear strategy with well-defined objectives? Additionally, how does your organization measure success, and what processes are in place to evaluate the outcomes of your work?



Does your organization have other revenue resources in place to help carry out your intended work? Knowing that a project has the capacity to deliver and other funds to help support it alongside a community grant helps to demonstrate the financial feasibility of the project. On the other hand, would an organization or initiative benefit from initial seed funding to take them to the next level?

Do adjudicators feel that the budget and grant request is reasonable when compared to the community impact? Does the organization demonstrate strong fiscal management and maintain a healthy overall financial position? Financials will also be examined in the context of evaluating organizational capacity to deliver and to evaluate the reasonability of the request when compared to the project budget. 

Merit to Other Applications

Merit to Other Applications

After your project has been reviewed stand alone on the above criteria,  your application is evaluated within the context of other applications. Below are examples of the questions we ask the committee to consider during an adjudication: 

  • Has funding been disbursed across the categories supported by the Community Grants (heritage, environment, etc.) or is it weighted towards a particular sector?
  • Have we ensured funding is supporting distinctive work in the community, or is there too much similarity between the projects/programs/organizations receiving funding? 
  • Haves the impact of the grants been disbursed across Prince Edward County or has the funding become too concentrated to one area? How many residents will be able to benefit?
  • Have we prioritized organizations working in an effective, open, inclusive, and accessible way? 

Adjudication Committee

To assist with making its grant decisions, The County Foundation assembles an adjudication committee which is made up of volunteers from across Prince Edward County, who are knowledgeable on local issues and activities, with diverse backgrounds and areas of interest. The committee completes a thorough review of all of the applications and then participates in an adjudication meeting where they reach a collective decision on funding recommendations. Recommendations on grant funding are approved by The County Foundation Board of Directors. Decisions are final, and there is no appeals process.

​In-Kind Funding

In-Kind Funding refers to services or resources offered by the municipality (use of municipal venues, services, equipment, labor, etc) as valued by the Fees and Charges By-Law that can help support the work of the applicant and reduces expenses of the work or initiative proposed.

Total In-Kind Funding Available for 2025 ($20,000

Maximum Grant Size: $2,000 per year

Applicants can apply twice a year for In-Kind Funding during the Spring or Fall intakes unless they have received the maximum grant size during the Spring.

Timing: In-Kind Funding must be used between June 1st 2025 and May 31st 2026. 


The eligibility criteria for In-Kind Funding is the same as the Municipal Community Grants Program (listed above) with the exception that Mandated Arts Organizations are also open to apply for In-Kind Funding. Organizations or community groups that have been operating for less than a year are only eligible to apply for In-Kind Funding. 

There are two forms for those requesting in-kind funding, and cash funding through the Municipal Community Grants Program. Please see the options below on requesting support: 

  • If you wish to apply for In-Kind funding, then you only need to submit the form for In-Kind Funding. 
  • If you to apply for cash funding AND In-Kind funding, then you must submit an application for the Municipal Community Grants Program (or the PEC Arts Fund for Mandated Arts Organizations), and submit the form for In-Kind Funding. 

How to Apply for In-Kind Funding

PDF Form

Can be printed, scanned, and emailed to, or mailed to The County Foundation office at 35 Bridge Street, Suite 107, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0. 

Accepting applications for Spring 2025 from February 10th to March 24th at 4pm. 

*Only 1 request per applicant for each submission period (Spring and Fall). If an applicant does not receive the maximum amount ($2k) during the Spring, then they are welcome to re-apply during the Fall. 

For Grant Recipients

Branding Guidelines

All grant recipients will be expected to recognize The County Foundation and the County of Prince Edward. Please follow The County Foundation's Branding Guidelines, and please contact the Community Services, Programs and Initiatives Department for permissions and requirements before using The County logo in any recognition materials. For more information: Branding Guidelines

Grant Reports

A grant report is a requirement of this grant. It must be received within one year of the grant being announced, or two months following the end of the project – whatever is sooner. See Grant Reports for forms and templates.

Past Recipients